1. A burial grave (or graves) may only be purchased from the Building and Grounds Committee of Christ Lutheran Church or their designated representative for the cost of $500.00 per grave. A user fee of $200.00 will be charged when a burial takes place, up to $600 for 3 cremains on one grave.  Only a member of the Building and Grounds Committee or their designated representative has the right to dispose of or exchange the title to any grave.
  2. All money received from donations and legacies and 35% of that received from the sale of gravesites shall be invested and used for permanent improvement of the cemetery. 65% of the money received from the sale of gravesite shall be invested and used for the care of the cemetery grounds.  The $200.00 user fee will also be put into the fund for the care of the cemetery grounds.
  3. Memorials:
    • The base for memorials shall be constructed of concrete and at least 4 inches thick with a 5-inch wash area around memorial. Depending on weight and size of memorial will determine the thickness of base over 4 inches.
    • No memorials may be placed on a grave until payment in full has been received by Christ Lutheran Church.
    • All memorials, markers, and monuments shall be verified by an authorized representative of Christ Lutheran Church.
    • Memorials fabricated from concrete, artificial stone, wood, or metal are not permitted except for Funeral Home markers or Military markers.
    • Only accepted Christian symbols may be used on memorials.
  4. One grave plot may hold no more than 3 cremains.
  5. All unused or reserved graves shall automatically revert back to Christ Lutheran Church if full payment for said grave is not received within one year from the date of intended purchase.
  6. No employees of Christ Lutheran Church or other persons hired to perform work at Big Hollow Cemetery may accept gratuities from Funeral Directors, Monument Suppliers, or other individuals.
  7. All burials must be made within a permanent concrete burial vault. Cremains must be in an urn made out of ceramic material or material that will not break down.  Cannot be made out of wood or metal.


Grave Opening and Closing:


  1. Only those authorized by Building and Grounds Committee of Christ Lutheran Church may dig graves or accept payment for such labor. This includes burial of a cremains urn.  The digging fee shall include the removal of soil, restoring of grass, and leveling of grave.  All graves shall be excavated to a depth of 52”-55”.
  2. The location of each grave shall be established by an authorized representative of Christ Lutheran Church.
  3. All graves must be kept to the established grade line as decided by the Building and Grounds Committee to assure better care and even cutting of the cemetery grounds. Lots will be sodded as soon as weather permits.
  4. Trucks, backhoes, or excavating equipment shall not leave the driveway (unless the soil is frozen or very firm) without providing sufficient planking below the wheels of the vehicle. Any damage caused by excavating contractors or vault contractors will be repaired to the satisfaction of Christ Lutheran Church and all repair cost will be paid by the party responsible.
  5. Under no circumstance shall any mechanical equipment travel over graves.
  6. No excavation or backfill work of any sorts shall be permitted within thirty minutes of the start or finish of the funeral service.


Plantings and flowers


  1. Decorations must be placed only at the marker on the main monument row.
  2. Flower urns will not be permitted unless placed on concrete wash.
  3. Bouquets and wreaths, either fresh or artificial, will be removed at the discretion of the caretaker or a trustee.
  4. No flowers, shrubs, trees or decorations ( including benches) are permitted to be planted or placed on graves or walkways.
  5. Seasonal items will be removed in a timely manner.
  6. No glass containers are permitted.
  7. No landscaping of the graves is permitted.
  8. No ground solar lights are permitted. The flagpole is exempt from this as to properly display flag after dark.
  9. Positively no rubbish is to be dumped anywhere in the cemetery nor over or against fences, nor by the roadside, except in the barrel marked “Dump Rubbish Here”




  1. Foundation for all monuments and markers shall extend 5 inches in all directions, at ground level beyond the monument or marker.
  2. The foundation excavation shall be the full size of the foundation to a depth of at least 4 inches. Size and weight of monument will determine depth over 4 inches.
  3. Flush markers, including government markers, shall be placed at ground level and shall conform to existing contour. The excavation shall be made to the full size of the foundation to a depth of at least 4 inches and filled with concrete.  The marker must be placed in the concrete.
  4. Veterans Medallions must be placed in the 5” wash around monument or flush marker. A hole must be drilled in the base to allow for this.
  5. The cemetery shall be left in good condition. All excess soil, concrete, rocks and debris must be removed off site by contractor.
  6. Building and Grounds Committee of Christ Lutheran Church will not be responsible for the straightening, replacing concrete foundation, or resetting of monuments or markers.


Infringement of Rules:


  1. Infringement of any of the above listed rules and regulations shall be corrected by the contractor responsible and at their own expense. Corrections must be made to the satisfaction of Christ Lutheran Church.  Violating contractors shall be prohibited from performing any new work in the cemetery until corrections are made.
  2. All difficulties or misunderstandings must be submitted to the Buildings and Grounds Committee of Christ Lutheran Church for review and then submitted to Christ Lutheran Church Council for final decision.