Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church!

Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself, God’s peace be with you!


Thank you for checking out Christ Lutheran Church (CLC) in Spring Green, WI, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).


CLC is a community-oriented, family-focused, youth-inspired group of Jesus followers who believe the world and our communities are better when God’s love is made known.


Whether you’re visiting our beautiful corner of Wisconsin, have relocated to the River Valley, are looking for a community to support your family, or you want to give organized religion one last shot, we’d love to welcome you and hope you encounter God’s love in our midst.

CLC exterior

Join Us!


Sundays at 10am
Summer worship Sundays at 9am Memorial Day through Labor Day


In addition to in-person worship, YouTube livestream is available:

Join us on Facebook and our YouTube Channel:

Worship Services at CLC

ROCK Night!


Reaching Out to Christ’s Kids
An evening of community and family faith


  • Wednesdays evenings September through May
  • Community Meal 5pm-6pm
  • Children, Youth, and Adult Education 6pm-7:15pm
facebook ROCK night photo